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Writer's Tips and Tricks

Overcoming writer's block
 Writer's block happens to everyone. You can yell till you're blue in the face that it doesn't happen to you, It does. My question to you is, do you have trouble getting through writer's block? I know I do. When I get writer's block I first get frustrated with myself. I think "why can't I just sit down and write?" After going through this for a good 15 minutes I finally calm down and take a few deep breaths. Depending on what I'm working on I do a few different things. If I'm working on my poems, a few things I'll do is first write down everything I felt the day before, everything I'm feeling in that moment, and what I want to feel or think I'm going to feel tomorrow. From there I can usually conjure something in my mind to keep me working. Though if that fails, something else I try is going through old images and texts. I think of how I felt in those times and try to turn those feelings into words. If I'm working on my book though, I first go through my notes I have for the book and see what I have and haven't written. Sometimes I stop where I'm writing and start a whole new scene in the book. These tips might not always work. You have to find what works for you. 

Do you show or tell?

When writing your story you should always think about showing and not telling. You want your readers to be able to see what happening, see and feel the emotions that the characters are going through. Show emotion. Tell feelings. 

Think of it this way, instead of saying, "Emma was happy when she opened the door and saw who was behind it." Try saying this instead, "Emma opened the door, her eyes watering it as she threw her arms around the person behind the door" 

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